Sunday, 10 January 2010

How to Stop Neds Annoying You Online

Have you ever experienced Cyber Bullying? Or has someone attempted to annoy you online?

I guess I'm kinda lucky, I've never really experienced bad cyberbullying, despite spending a lot of my time online and texting people on my mobile. I always try to keep safe online and only talk to people I know on MSN and things, I sometimes chat to friends of friends, but if they end up being weird I just block them, and thats the end of it.

But, being a teenager, I've had to deal with some neds online. If you don't know what a ned is, its not someone called Ned, its a Scottish (/irish maybe, I dunno) slang term for a Chav.

ned: noun Scottish slang term for a Chav

If you don't know what a chav is... well, I just recommend googling it, I'll describe them briefly. They are a kinda sub-culture or label for people, normally teenagers, who wander round being stupid on purpose, wear tracksuits, have giant hoop earrings and yell abuse at people in the street.

Recently on MSN, I've been chatting to some of these neds on MSN (they didn't used to be, but they turned into them when they hit the preteen/teen stage) and they decided it would be fun to try and wind me up. So they began writing lots of swearwords and insults at me, calling me a geek/nerd/loner, which I took gracefully (seeing as Nerdfighters RULE ALL!!!!). I found it quite entertaining that these young 12 year olds thought they were being clever and grown up by swearing at someone and trying to belittle them.

I never got wound up by the things they said, and merely laughed at them. They kept on trying to talk about things they didn't understand properly, and which I understood, which made it even funnier. Since they were attempting to really hurt me, I would wind them up by being very polite, asking them if they would like to know about Nerdfighters, correcting their grammar and spelling and calling them neds (which, when they denied it, included me saying "there's no reason to be scared of who you are").

But I found out a way to stop these neds annoying you. I told one today that all the conversations we had had were being recorded, and how I could go to the police and complain about harassment. She replied that "it was all a joke". I told her I wasn't going to go to the police. She thanked me. And then I said "well, I might if I have a really bad day and you start annoying me". She then blocked me.

I was actually quite disappointed. I thought that she would be a proper ned and be proud of her achievement. It turned out she was only a wannabe-ned, and couldn't take a minor threat.

I haven't called the police, and don't really intend to.

This may not work on all neds out there annoying you online, but it might! Worth a go if you want them to stop them annoying you, and if they don't stop, call the police if they actually have been using abusive language.

Peace and Run!


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